Executive Committee and meetings

The Executive Committee of the Tawa Historical Society for the 2023/24 year is as follows :

Name ContactPosition
David Parsons 232 6339 Chairman
Mike Steer 478 9716 Deputy Chairperson
Ken Woodgate 232 5901 Secretary
Michelle Calitz michellecalitz81 (at) gmail.comTreasurer
Richard Herbert herbert.r (at) xtra.co.nzwebmaster


The Executive Committee meets at the Tawa Community Centre, Cambridge Street, at 7.30 pm.
For 2024 the following meeting dates are scheduled :

Monday  26 February – Tawa Community Centre
Monday  22 April – Tawa Community Centre
Monday  24 June – Tawa Community Centre
Monday  22 July – Tawa Community Centre
Monday  2 September – AGM meeting - Tawa Community Centre
Monday  23 September – Tawa Community Centre
Monday  25 November – Tawa Community Centre

Any member is welcome to attend.